Thursday, April 30, 2009

Green IT initiative for San Diego

Green IT initiative for San Diego
Save money and be responsible - Participate in DELTYME's Green IT initiative.

Every business is looking to save money. And, we could all do a better job of saving energy to help the environment. Below, are a few tips to get your business started with its own Green IT initiative.
Please contact us today to learn more. 858-483-0497

Review your estimated IT power consumption

By knowing what your power consumption is for your Information Technology, you have a baseline to make decisions. You can use the following the Power Calculator link to run a quick savings estimate.

Consider implementing PC power policies

Many offices leave their PCs on 24/7 in order to allow user to work remotely & PCs to update and run automated tasks. You may want to consider enforcing stricter PC power policies which can be implemented company wide via network policy.

Dispose of equipment properly

If you have old and outdated computer/electronics equipment, be sure to dispose of it properly. Here are a few equipment disposal resources for you to use.

Use the FREE EcoFont

Tired of replacing expensive toner. Try using the FREE EcoFont
The makers of the EcoFont claim it will help you use 20% less toner.

Quick Links
Green Computing
5 Steps to Green IT
HP Printing Green

Monday, April 6, 2009

Why Microsoft is failing

I seem to explain the problems with Windows PCs all too often to laypeople.

This may be obvious to IT industry folks, but the reason that Microsoft is failing is because of the high number of security incidents on Windows PCs that require the user to reload their system resulting in a higher cost of ownership, lost work time, frustration, lack of trust, possible data loss, potential security risks, and more.

Ultimately, the Windows PCs as we know them have not evolved fast enough to keep up with what is required... reliability for even the most novice of user in the simplest environment (ie. little of no network/IT investment). Most computer users do not have the expertise nor means to build a layered security model to protect their vulnerable Windows PC.

Of course, a lot of factors contribute to this failure, yet, Microsoft has not taken the steps required to plug the holes. Hence, people are jumping ship. Macs, the cloud, thin clients, SaaS, Linux, etc... the threats to Microsoft's stature are real and the ship has begun to sink.

Can Microsoft retain its dominance, restore trust, and compete with all of the threats? In the long term... no.

The Windows PC as we know it is an endangered species that will be coveted by few. A new mixed breed of PC will evolve that promises a simpler and more reliable computing experience...