Monday, January 3, 2011

Why I avoid customers that are not serious about IT

2011 is here, and I'm excited and optimistic about the economy showing some stability. With 2010 behind us and a slower year than desired, DELTYME will be renewing its efforts in Sales & Marketing to win some new customers. Our ideal customer is 10-50 employees in an office environment.
Typically, professional services companies have been a good fit for DELTYME. They rely on their computers/network to perform their work, and they appreciate good service.
On the other hand, companies that are not serious about their own IT infrastructure and services are avoided at all costs. I've found that these companies will be demanding without wanting to pay a fair price for the service or even understanding the value in their investment. Often non-ideal customers are in unique industries that have lagged in terms of IT investments. Even the simplest IT project recommendations are met with resistance.
Here is an example: this company was referred to DELTYME by an existing customer. We were told that they were having IT problems. Upon seeing the small office cabling infrastructure, it was clear that they needed to start from step 1, get good, organized physical cabling. See the existing cabling.
Yet, this small company decided to decline the proposal to invest in a new cabling infrastructure. When asked why, the customer stated that they were just too tight on their budget. Ultimately, DELTYME chose to decline to work with this potential customer.

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