Monday, March 8, 2010

Android thoughts

I am often asked about mobile phones. I am currently using a Droid on Verizon. I have to say that I've found the Android OS to be very powerful, easy to use, and packed full of features. Hardly anything was left out (except for maybe the ability to create a wifi hotspot).

In regard to the Droid, I do have a few complaints:
- the battery dies quickly so you need to watch the open programs/services to maximize life
- the phone is heavier than most
- no universal multi-touch (like the pinch zoom on the iphone)

Overall, I think that the Android OS for phones is quite amazing. Blackberry and Windows Mobile are going to be have to really step it up to compete. And Apple will continue to have success with the iphone for the die hards, but they have also isolated themselves (maybe by design).

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