As an IT professional, one of the joys is playing with new toys. But, it is also one of the biggest time wasters and can be frustrating at times. I'm writing this blog as this same Dell OptiPlex 755 w/ 4gb of RAM is finishing setting up Windows 7 RC in Microsoft's Virtual PC 2007 SP1.
I decided to use VPC instead of VMware just to keep it in the MS family. The complete W7RC installation process from the Capture CD from ISO took approximately 1 hour (slightly less, and keep in mind that I'm doing normal work, even streaming Pandora now while the VM is doing its final reboot).
Before I dig into it, I'm making a backup copy of the VM folder so I don't have to go through the install again if I screw something up.
Also, here are a few of my hopes for Windows 7:
- Secure - I'd like to see a bulletproof OS
- Fast
- TimeMachine like backup program
- Built in LogMeIn type remote access
- Better collaboration tools
- Less update intervention
And now, I've booted. I'm in. My first real look at Windows 7 RC (Ultimate). At first glance, I'm thinking "Where is everything?" I'm sure that I can find it. But what about my mom or that salesperson that is admitedly "not a computer person". Other than that, so far so good. And 8 updates available from Microsoft.
Some thoughts:
- Appearance: Looks fine. I don't really see any major changes from Vista other than what I'd consider cosmetic. The Show Desktop in Windows 7 is in the bottom right corner (can't live without that).
- Speed: For now, I'd say the speed seems fine. I'm running with 2gb of RAM assigned to the VM.
- Wishes: Wow, it looks as though there is a System Image tool under the Backup & Restore. I'llbe investigating this.
- Issues: A VM issue with DVD Maker (not a real issue).
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